Studying the influence of light on surviving of pistachio saplings in Lorestan province

Document Type : Research Paper


Rehabilitation of vegetation in degraded areas is one of the suitable strategies for conservation of valuable forest species. This should be done by technical and scientific methods, considering the land ecological capabilities. In some cases the density of pistachio saplings have been decreased and finally died after sowing, because they face sunny and warm months of the year while germinating. Hence this study was conducted in order to determine the best method for taking care of saplings after plantation. The research work was done based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments (sunny, 50% shadow, 75% shadow, 100% shadow) and eight replicates. A board coverage (1×1 m) was used for creating shadows. Sampling was conducted during 5 years, then data were analyzed by SPSS package. The results showed that in the first year, there was not any significant difference among treatments (p < 0.01) in surviving, but differences gradually increased and at the end of fifth year there was highly significant differences among treatments, whereDuncantest showed 100% and 75% shadow treatments had the most surviving percentages compared to the other treatments. 
