The concession granted to Russian Company of Koosis Teofeelucktous regarding the utilization of the Caspian forests of Iran and its consequences

Document Type : Research Paper


The present study investigates how the concession for the exploitation of north forests of Iran was submitted to Russian company “Koosis Teofeelucktous” as well as its consequences and effects on the under- utilization forests. For the first time in this research the exploitation and degradation of the forests by the foreign companies are studied from the historical point of view. So this study can be considered as a step toward the development of the interdisciplinary in historical and environmental issues. The main goal of this research was to identify the influential factors in submitting this concession and its economic and environmental consequences due to the inefficient and corrupting government of Iran as well as colonial policies of the foreign companies relying on the growing western capitalism. In this study, the historical research method is applied based on the acquisition of the required data through historical original documents and descriptive analysis. The results showed that the lack of knowledge and utter neglect of Iran's official authorities regarding the forest resources as well as the colonial dominance of the authoritative governments and the corruption of Iran's officials are the main causes behind these agreements and concessions. However, breaking the substances of the agreements was made easier thanks to Iran’s government negligence. Hence, the way of forests exploitation leads to the serious damages and degradations. 
